Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nasi Kucing - Cat's Rice

stayinjogja--Sometimes, when you feel hungry and unfortunately just have a cents (less then IDR 10,000) in your wallet and still need to go somewhere with public bus, what will you do?

I have a suggestion, you can go to some place call angkringan (you can find what place is that in and take some pack rice known as nasi kucing (cat's rice). Is that really rice for cat? No, of course.

We call nasi kucing because it contain one grab of rice-you can measure with your hand grab- and with fried tiny sea fish.

From Food Information
Nasi Kucing & Quail Egg Satay Toping

Beside nasi kucing, angkringan sell many additional toping for nasi kucing like fried tempe, fried tofu, quail satay,etc and they have ice tea, oranges ice,warm ginger,warm milk as drinks.

For 1 pack nasi kucing (without additional toping and drinks), you will charge Rp 750 - Rp 1000 (less then $1-When this information published $ 1=Rp 12,000). You can fill out your stomach with Rp 5,000, so you still go to your destination in jogja.

Enjoy the Guide-What Is That


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